July 13, 2024

IF You Get New laptop PC / Reinstall Reset Windows (This is what to do )

Untuk menghindari Slugiest system dan sebagai pengingat jika saya mendapat laptop atau PC baru atau saat sehabis install ulang atau reset windows dan Regret anything.

One thing i regret in the world is when i reset or reinstall windows because my pc still slow and my data almost lost and must install everthing again, so think hard before do reseting.

1. View Advanced system setting,

untuk mensetting system graphic ke minimalis sehingga pc mu akan menjadi lebih cepat tanpa animasi tambahan. Pergi ke performance setting > Pilih best performance biasanya saya mencetang smooth edge font dan thumbnail saja.

2.  Pin taskbar app

aplikasi penting dan sering dipakai seperti snipping tool, Notepad, browser, dan search everthing. sangat membantu mempercepat pencarian aplikasi, jangan lupa di add ke Taskbarmu

3. Disable privacy & Security Setting

- turn off id dan sugesting general, membantu menghilangkan Lag dan mempercapat pc mu.

- Go to Privacy and security setting and disable history search juga clear history

- accesibilty turn off animation effect 

- Disable camera , microphone and voice activation (hati2 jika menggunakan OBS hal ini jangan di matikan )

- matikan game mode

- matikan notification

- system display HDR optimize image quality

- Turn off index service

4. Instal Proton VPN,

saya sangat mengandalkan reddit site dan di negara saya situs ini di blokir. oleh karena ini dengan menginstal vpn saya bisa bypass blokir.

5 windows Defender Anti virus

control panel setting  pergi ke Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Defender Firewall\Customize Settings. untuk mematikan atau menyalakan antivirus

6. High Power Plan setting.

Go to power option create new plan and select High Performance

7. Disable all Startup aplication

Go to system > apps > startup > and check

8. Install Aplikasi Essential

- Winrar - Notepad + (i dont like 7Zip)

- Firefox atau chrome Browser

- Idm atau jdownloader

- Ultrasearch or Everything

- Treesize or Wizztree

- MSI Afterburner 

- vlc - Spotify

- gogle drive

- Bleach Bit - Cpuz , OR CCLEANER (This is OP only 2 click can make your PC 200% Faster after that just Uninstall)

- sumatra pdf

- Libre Office

- Capcut pro


9. Other Nice things to do

- update gpu driver 

-install steam

- Uninstall the base Windows apps I don't use (OneDrive, Teams etc) 

- new wallpaper and theme 

- Install Emulator and bios

- qBittorrent

-sticky note

- flashpoint - rpg maker mz 


-AV1 Video Extension for aviv picture shower


10. For windows update can make your system more stable (reduce blue screen) but it's long process almost 2 hours, and may slower your system, last Bersyukur dan Puas dengan apa yg sudah kamu miliki 

Less is more wonderfull

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